新聞, 經濟分析 及洞察


探索科法斯全面的風險儀表板,為 162 個國家和 13 個產業部門提供深入的風險評估,以做出策略決策




  • #解決方案


    現今的企業需要的不再只是即時存取海量資料來源,科法斯可為企業蒐集、校驗和分析大量資料(大數據)。 700 位風險管理專家,每日分析,絕無僅有的專屬數據,為科法斯的客戶和合作夥伴帶來獨特洞見。化危為機,將商業風險轉化為成長機會!

  • #解決方案

    Schneider Electric + Coface: a partnership that grows with time

    Schneider Electric (SE), ‘the most local of global companies’, and Coface, a multinational on a human scale, have been working together for several decades. As a client of Coface Global Solutions, SE benefits from a worldwide programme and dedicated teams to secure its business. SE also uses Single Frame solutions to support the development of its datacenter projects. With one credo: to manage commercial risk in a more predictive way.


  • #經濟報告


    相比前兩年受疫情反彈、俄烏衝突和美國銀行業危機拖累,2024 年開局向好。但是,今年第一季度,美國經濟放緩,新興經濟體接過接力棒,成為全球經濟增長主力。全球來看,經濟、社會和政治風險持續,例如法國解散國會,或將成為法國乃至歐洲的轉捩點。 在此背景下,科法斯調整了 5 個國家/地區(4 個上調,1 個下調)和 26 個行業(20 個上調,6 個下調)的評級,反映短期之內前景良好。

  • #經濟報告

    Cocoa: a deceptive fall in prices?

    After reaching an all-time high in April (USD 10,000/ton), a far cry from the highs of 2009 and 2011 (USD 3,700/t), cocoa prices fell back to USD 7,000/t once the Easter celebrations were over. However, they remain three times higher than a year ago, and are set to stay there. The rise in cocoa bean prices, which can be partly explained by a frenzy of speculation on the markets, also reflects a shortage of supply, which is problematic in the medium term.


    • #解決方案
    • #專家建議



  • #專家建議

    What is political risk and how is it impacting commercial credit?

    With the reshaping of the world order, the rise of (geo)political risk and the climate emergency, political risk is back in the spotlight, with its inevitable economic impact on world trade and businesses. How can we protect ourselves effectively? We take a closer look at this ever-more closely monitored risk.

  • Group working on same computer



    「貿易信用保險太貴了,不符合我的需求」;「管理信用風險會阻礙業務發展,而且我有財務儲備,完全可以應付欠款!」 您是否有過以上的想法?關於貿易信用保險存在種種刻板印象,如今隨著理賠速度越來越快,壞帳風險與日俱增,或許我們需要轉變思維。